Not all cake smash sessions are created equal. Mia’s, I would say, was down right fabulous and the payoff was major. From her amazing outfits, to the darling cake, gorgeous props, and the perfect photography setting, Mia nailed it. Any child photography session that includes a lake and a destroyed cake is fine in my book. These modern birthday portraits are about as cute as it gets.

(See also: Cake Smash Cutie from half a year ago)
When I heard Mia’s celebration would be taking place one week after the session, I saw the opportunity to go above and beyond for these new clients. In addition to rushing their digital negatives for previewing and print ordering, I was able to overnight their print order in time for the party. Mom was so responsive and easy to work with. I was so pleased to hear that everyone loved the resulting images as much as I did!
Sessions are always about the birthday girl but I love it when parents and extended family can be included. Grandparents are extremely helpful in getting kids out the door and buys Mom extra time when getting ready. This luckiest little one had grandparents who came all the way from Brazil to keep those smiles and giggles flowing. There’s no doubt they enjoyed every moment and they will be flying home with a keepsake from this day.
I had a blast working with the Guptas and loved capturing their love for Mia. I know firsthand how precious and fleeting those early years go. I’m so happy they’ll have these memories to enjoy for generations to come. And this shot is my absolute fave – it takes the cake!